Reference guide on the layout of the minute labels.
Label example - 13.06.26-Regular Meeting (A,N,M,S)
The numbers at the beginning are year. month. day. Followed by the type of meeting:
Regular Meeting - This is a regular scheduled meeting of the HCEAA.
Special Meeting - This is a meeting that was called by the president of the HCEAA in addition to the regularly scheduled meetings.
Annual Meeting/Budget Hearing - Meeting held annually for the state of the HCEAA and to gain public input on the budgeting process.
No Quorum- This means there were not enough board members present to conduct business.
No Meeting- This means there was no meeting held for the month.
The final part of the label will show a a group of letters. The letters show what attachments are included.
A - Agenda
N - Meeting Notice
M - Meeting Minutes
S - Attendance Log